Wednesday, February 27, 2008

heroes, no not the show

hey everyone! It's me again!! I know you are all so thrilled about that! If you haven't noticed I have a poll on the right side of page, I'm going to try and keep it going, the first poll question was who is your favorite presidential candiate? I listed some feel free to answer. Today I had my classes at the college, I take foundations of Algebra and Intermediate Writing, I like both classes and I have made a few friends too.

Anyway I told you that I would write about something more interesting than yesterday's blog so I'm going to write about my heroes. One of them being my mom, then again whose mom isn't there hero?? I have my sports heroes and heroines and then there are my plain and ordinary heroes. Well as I said yesterday...I'm a USA Women's soccer team fan and to be honest they aren't that well known. I mean if you don't play soccer or watch it then you probably have no idea who I'm talking about. The US women's team was established in 1985 but didn't start playing regularly until 1987. In 1991 they played in the first ever M&M's FIFA Women's World Cup and they went on to win it, in 1996 they won the Olympic gold medal for the first time, women's soccer was just put into the Olympic that year, and in 1999 as many you probably know as the day that "chick" ripped her shirt off and showed her bra, but it was so much more than that...that was the year that this American women put women's soccer on the map and created greats like Abby Wambach, Marta, and Birgit Prinz. Thanks to Brandi Chastain that moment was ours and made ever single female, old or young, feel so free and strong!! In 2004 they won the Olympic gold medal and sent out the "Fab Five;" Kristine Lilly, Joy Fawcett, Mia Hamm, Julie Foudy, and Brandi Chastain, like the champions that they are. Kristine Lilly is the only one still playing, she is actually pregnant so she is taking a year off but hopes to come back. This women are my heroes because they have and continue to do so, give so much and all for the love of the game and most importantly themselves and their fans.

My other most notably heroes are the soldiers fighting in Iraq and Afghanstan because if it weren't for them I wouldn't be able to write this blog. Those men and women define everything of what we know as our rights. They defend our country to protect us, and yes that includes the people you criticize our troops, just to make sure we are safe. Some people just dropped what they were doinf in THEIR lives to defend OUR country and OUR safety. I will forever owe those men and women bravely defend our country my deepest and dearest thanks...because remember freedom isn't free.

There are many more but they are the ones that stand out. My history teacher told me the other day that we should always choose your heroes wisely! So the next time you hear something about Britney Spears or Paris Hilton remember that there is a soldier overseas risking his or her life for you. I would choose those soldiers anyday!

Well I guess that's all for now, I will try to write tomorrow but can't make any promises...I have a history class tomorrow night and will be busy. Peace out my little homies and Nikki thanks for reading my blog, I love you and will miss you dearly when you move out :(

Peace out and remember Smiles are Free,
Corey aka Lefty

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